Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fearful and Wonderful
"I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

When I see creation, as an artist, I am jealous on a daily basis. God is SO amazing, and He only needs to breathe a word and His art comes into existence!
What He does and creates amazes me; I know there is no way anything I could ever make would ever come close to comparing to His glorious works of art.

I think about this regularly, especially when I see the colors of the sky just after the sun goes down. Yet, one thing I neglect to remember is how wonderfully made He made me. And how wonderful is that!

One thing I can't ever forget is that God created laughter. Of all things, He decided He wanted us to have a physical way to express our happiness to each other. Not only that, but He created in us so that when one person laughs, it makes others laugh too. Now lets take it a step further to say that we laugh at things that bring us joy, science has now shown that laughter produces "endorphins" in our brains, giving us more joy!
Isn't our God amazing? He created us to that when we are happy, we automatically do stuff that just makes us happier. How cool is that?! :)

You see, God loves us.
I think Christians forget that, that God loves us. He created us so that we could enjoy life, and He created us so that we would enjoy life. I mean from the very start, God wanted us to live the best life that we can live.
We just don't choose it sometimes.

God is not a lawmaker.
He doesn't lay down rules and simply sit and judge you as you line up trying to get into Heaven.
God is a father--"Abba"="Daddy".
He's a lover, with the church as His bride.
God wants to know you and wants us to know Him, intimately!

Here's where the cool part begins, especially as God's daughters:
When God created us, we were the epitome of Creation.
If you follow the path of what was Created, things just got more complex and amazing and beautiful as they were created, and the last to be formed was woman from Adam's rib.
We are God's Masterpiece.

I don't know how much you may know about art, but let me tell you about what I know about being an artist:
When I draw something good, I want to show EVERYONE.
The problem is, this world is full of people who don't always care enough for art, so if I showed everyone, they wouldn't appreciate it fully. The art isn't any less beautiful, but the people's lack of care makes the art seem less amazing. (Not to mention, it hurts to hear people casually say, "Oh, that's cool." to something you spent hours and days on.)
No, when I create my best works, I save them somewhere special, where they won't get bent or ruined accidentally. Then, I only pull it out and share it with people who show genuine appreciation for it, and in that appreciation I find my utmost joy. :)

Now replace myself with God, and replace that beautiful masterpiece with you.

God loves you. He is amazed at how beautiful you turned out, and extremely proud that He created you. He loves you.
God knows that you will be the happiest only with those who truly appreciate you and how He created you. He wants to protect you from all the "Eh, it's alright."s and the "Oh, sweet."s in life!
He wants you to hear every "Wow, that's amazing!" and "So beautiful!!" that you deserve to hear from everyone!

This is why He says to us to save ourselves for the right someone.

God's not some fun-sucker, trying to make our lives boring; He's a majestic God who wants you to have the best life you can have.

And He knows what's best for you; He's the Creator after all, isn't He?

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