Saturday, March 19, 2011


Sitting among the Pharisees
Whispers flow all around me
Speaking of this child's heart
Her never ending suffering

Her life displayed so all could see
Her hopeless heart beats wildly
Sitting very quietly
She wonders, "Who would help me?"

"Now listen very carefully,"
They all try to say to me.
"She'll trick you into obeying;
And on top of that, she's unclean.

"Look at her sin, hear what she's done,
Her life by Satan has been won;
She could never be saved by the death of His Son.
Go try a different one."

I heard what they said
I see her life hanging by a thread
The darkest gloom looms over her head
But her spirit is not simply dead.

She doesn't know what to do because she isn't seeing
Any love or care at all for her being;
Her heart for love is constantly beating
Still searching everywhere for some meaning.

She is lost and doesn't know how to be found
Looking for love when no love is around
Falling in sin and hitting the ground
Crying out for help, while to sin she is bound

How can you stand while she's falling apart?
Life is not all about trying to make it on the chart
This fallen child is God's own work of art
Reach out to her with the fullness of your heart!

It's never too late to start again
To change your life and live without sin
There is one way for you to begin
And it leads to a place where love always wins

His arms are open wider than mine
His love is deeper than the ocean is wide
He wants to love you and be your guide
Don't be afraid, let him lead your life

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