It is on days like today when I get to see God in nearly everything. So it's interesting that I opened to Matthew 4:10-11. It says,
Jesus said to him, "Away from me Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord, your God, and serve him only.' " Then the devil left him, and angels attended him.
If you've followed my Twitter or read my last posts, I've struggled with my faith a lot. Today has been like a break through for me: finally, loving God is easy!
Immediately when I read this verse, I read, "Then the devil left him, and angels attended him." So it is possible for Satan to leave us, I thought. But what caused him to leave? Both in my life and in Jesus', the answer is found in the verse before it:
"Worship the Lord, and serve him only."
When you are only reading it, this passage seems to say that when Jesus spoke scripture against Satan--specifically saying "I won't serve you, I'll serve God only"--he went away; but that is only half of it. The other half is what is first mentioned: Worship the Lord. It doesn't give a specific time nor a specific way, it just says worship him. All the time, constantly, in everything you do, worship God. For forty days and nights, Jesus was learning how to worship God with his life, while he fasted. I'm sure all of that time he spent with God is the real reason behind Satan's departing. Once Jesus said those words, Satan could tell that he was tied to God, and so he left him.
I think this is a wonderful example of what loving God looks like when the devil attacks us. He can come with our worries, like Jesus' upcoming death, and try to promise the world as an escape; yet, because we trust God's plan, we say, "Away from me Satan!" and cling to our Lord.
How is your love story? If you're like me, maybe you need to relax and let God.
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
-1 Thessalonians 5:16-18