I found out two years ago that my self esteem is easy to mess with. I never thought I was beautiful in the eyes of my friends, because no guys took interest in me, but I was determined inside that I really was prettier than the girls who got the attention. One day, a nice young guy took interest in me, and we became a "thing". If we had focused our friendship on God, it might have lasted, but it ended in the wrong place, since my mind was so focused on that someone found me attractive.
Many girls I know have similar problems: they doubt that they are pretty, and they think that by wearing makeup, or finding the right guy, they could fix that problem. Sometimes, people doubt that anyone could like a girl with pimples, or who has a little chubbiness around their tummy. Maybe if I'm wearing clothes that are in style, or cute shoes, or short shorts. But, no! What your missing isn't smooth skin, fine clothing, or a beautiful body; what your missing is a kind spirit that loves God.
When I see those girls on the runway shows, I do get jealous. I have acne all over my shoulders, so although I am skinnier than most girls, I still feel imperfect sometimes. But when I see those girls, I also see girls--whom may have achieved perfection in my eyes--still fighting for 1st place. There is no such thing as perfection; it's a myth.
But what is real is that guys all the time fall in love with girls and marry them for life. Maybe you have seen an old married couple, maybe you haven't; but I know quite a few, and I can promise you, he's not still with her just because she is so beautiful at this age.
He knows she is worth spending a lifetime with because of her pure life and her respect for God. He chose her, because he would not be ashamed to tell others who she is; because she could raise their children to be respectful and hardworking; because she would do all that she can to keep him in good health for the years to come.
That is why a man truly loves a woman: because of her spirit.
And that is the same reason why God loves us. Although, yes, he loves us unconditionally, he can only form a relationship with us when our spirit is humble, caring, and loving towards him and others. That is why when a woman has this kind of spirit inside of her, she is so desirable! Are you not worth more to someone when you return love to them? Don't they just rejoice being around you because you bring and give them joy from within?
So work on the spirit within you. Be patient with others, kind to them. Don't be jealous, and don't boast. Try to be a little less arrogant, and avoid saying or doing anything rude. Stop insisting on having everything your own way. If you're irritating someone, don't; and keep in your mind not to be resentful. Don't smile when something bad happens, but rather be happy when something is right. Bear with others. Believe in them. Have hope in every situation, and endure the tough times. Never let your love end.
"It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful. No, your beauty should come from within you--the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. This beauty will never disappear, and it is worth very much to God."
-1 Peter 3:3-4
1 comment:
I had that provlem: thinking too bad of myself but i realized it was to get attention that didnt satisfy. Thank goodness my man helps me by telling me to stop looking down on myself and focus on other things. He says my smile caught his eye and that i have his attention. The challenge is why do i still feel the need to get it? Although i still struggle i'm working thru it and i can say its possible to think of yourself as beautiful by putting your self worth in God.
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