Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
College (Part 2)
"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside still waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." (Psalm 23)
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Addison Road - "My Story"
(You can listen to the song here too!)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
My Story
I was raised in a great Christian family. I attended a Church of Christ every Sunday for years. I've been at
It wasn't until High School that any drama even affected my life. Some of the issues I met, I had already faced a little in Middle School with friends outside of school; but the only way I knew how to handle them was to ignore it. In High School, even though I was at a Christian school, there were people openly lying to parents and teachers. There were groups together cheating on homework. I heard someone curse almost every day. For the quiet girl who was coming out of her shell, this was a huge change from what I had been used to seeing. I honestly did not know what to do, and I made a lot of mistakes that year.
At the end of February of my Freshman year, I took a trip to
I heard people sing as though God was right before them and listening to their words. I learned new songs with words that were clear about their message, and not hidden behind fancy Bible language. I listened as the speakers explained how there had been a Veil that kept us away from God, and that when Jesus died, that Veil was torn from top to bottom, so that we could be with God again. I spent the last night crying and praying with my friend Alicia. The last day I was there, the speaker announced, "If you feel you need to give your life to Christ right now, please, come forward." I turned to Alicia, and I asked her, "Alicia, will you walk up there with me?" She said, "Of course!" and I was baptized that very day back in the hotel's hot tub. I cried through the whole thing.
For the next year and a half, I have gone up and down through struggles, making mistakes and learning from them. I've been learning how to trust God with my life, how to resist temptations, and how to lead others. I will openly admit: I am not perfect. Being a Christian means always growing, so I know I will never be done struggling with life; but I can say that I am a better person now than I ever was because of Christ.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
What About Now?
As a young Christian, I tend to set a lot of goals in my life for the future, for things that I hope and wish to do and make differences in when I'm older. All of us should make goals like this and persevere to accomplish them in our life.
But in the meantime, I find myself doing nothing. I'm constantly setting goals and getting nothing accomplished at the moment. Times like that make me question where God is in my life right now. They make me wonder what I'm doing wrong and why I'm getting tempted so easily to disobey God. As I was asking myself about this, I came across this quote:
"Does it make sense to pray for guidance about the future if we are not obeying in the thing that lies before us today? How many momentous events in Scripture depended on one person's seemingly small act of obedience! Rest assured: Do what God tells you to do now, and, depend upon it, you will be shown what to do next." ~Elisabeth Elliot
Too often in our lives, we promise and pray to God that we will be better Christians, but too little do we put it into practice today in our lives! If you're anything like me, it's like that essay you're supposed to write: you get so caught up in saying that you absolutely, positively will do it on this day that when that day comes around, you've been so used to procrastinating it that you never get it finished!
As is said in a familiar song by Daughtry: "What about now? What about today?" You've got an open opportunity to simply obey God right now, so "before it's to late, what about now?"
Let's make our focus being what can we do for God today. Let's pray together and ask God, "How can we obey you and serve you today? Help us live how you want us to live, right here, right now." Be willing to work for God, and he will use us to do great things! Don't put it off any longer, for the time is now, and the day is today!
Friday, August 26, 2011
"I tell you the truth," he said, "this poor widow has put in more than all the others."
At this point in the short story, the disciples (twelve people who are constantly watching and learning all that they can from Jesus) are probably thinking, "What are you talking about, Jesus?! They gave so much! And she gave next to nothing! You can't use that to make repairs on the temple or to pay taxes!!!" But Jesus points them to a higher place.
(verse 4:) "All of these people gave their gifts out of wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on."
Back then, if you were a widow, you were poor. You might have a family member or a friend taking care of you if you were lucky. But this lady wasn't just a widow; she was a poor widow. So most likely, she didn't have anyone to take care of her. All she even has to care for herself is two tiny copper coins that were hardly worth enough to get food! To give up this was to give up everything she had to live on.
Now there are only two ways a person would do such a thing:
1. She is crazy. or, 2. She has complete trust that God will provide for her.
Jesus was pointing out that by putting both of those coins, her only way to survive on her own, she was placing her complete trust in God, and he was proud of her for it. He was not just saying that the amount given in was more in compared to what she had than the others; he was telling his disciples to have the kind of faith that she had.
Matthew 6:31-33 "So do not worry saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all of these things will be given to you as well."
Thursday, August 11, 2011
God's Wonderful Deeds
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Strength in God
This is what makes Christianity so much more real and better than anything else.
Excerpt from How Should We Then Live? by Francis A. Schaeffer:
"It is important to realize what a difference a people's worldview makes in their strength as they are exposed to the pressure of life. That it was the Christians who were able to resist religious mixtures, syncretism, and the effects of the weaknesses of Roman culture speaks of the strength of the Christian worldview. This strength rested on God's being an infinite-personal God and his speaking in the Old Testament, in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, and in the gradually growing New Testament. He had spoken in ways people could understand. Thus the Christians not only had the knowledge about the universe and mankind that people themselves cannot find out by themselves, but they had absolute, universal values by which to live and by which to judge the society and the political state in which they lived. And they had the grounds for the basic dignity and value of the individual as unique in being made in the image of God."
(Schaeffer, Francis A. How Should We Then Live? Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway, 1976.)
It's true how Christians are able to battle through life much stronger than other people are. And why is that? Jesus.
There's something about this religion that sets it apart from any other religion or theory out there today. From the outside, it looks crazy to believe that some guy fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, that he made blind people see by rubbing mud in their eyes, and that he was raised from the dead after dying on a cross; but we understand that there is an all-powerful, loving God with a deeper plan working behind all of life. He gives us this hope that Paul talks about; hope in something unseen, something we are still waiting for. What other people do not have that Christians have is that hope for a future with God, in a place where there is no more evil.
How is all of this possible?
Well, here's the run through:
Jesus is God. He came to earth as a man, born to a virgin woman. As he grew up, he lived as a Jew, learning the Old Testament, and living a perfect life for God. He became a teacher and choose everyday Jews to be the ones to learn all about God and his plan for them. He healed people who showed faith in him, taught them about heaven using everyday language, and fulfilled all of the prophesies made about him in the ancient scriptures. Then, Jesus-although he was perfect-let guards arrest him for claiming to be the Son of God, King of the Jews, was beaten and then crucified on a cross with robbers on either side of him. He died in the same day, was buried in a tomb before the Sabbath started, but then when Sabbath was over, was missing from the grave. The large stone that had been rolled by men to seal his tomb shut was rolled away, and his linen cloth was left inside-Jesus was ALIVE. He was witnessed by thousands of people after his death, and then was watched as he ascended into heaven, leaving the task of spreading the word to his twelve apostles, whom he had taught everything he knew.
The important part that Jesus explained about this is that when Jesus died, since he was perfect as a man and as God, he himself became a "guilt offering" for everyone. You could think of it as he was the newly-bought, perfectly-clean dishrag that wiped off every single dirty plate so that they shone spotless and could be used again. Just like that, Jesus took all of our dirty nasty wrong-doings away forever, so that we could be used by God for good. If you're a dirty plate, you're not going to get used again unless you're clean, right? And if you're a plate, you can't exactly clean yourself; nor, once you're clean, should you just sit on a shelf, not being used?
So what does this have to do with strength? Well, Paul seems to have explained it better than I could, so here's what he has to say. Hebrews 12:1-3 (after a long passage about men who had Faith):
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
To pull it altogether, Jesus lived and died for you, to give you strength, so that God could use you, all because God loves you. Our strength is in Jesus; take heart, my friend.
♥Monday, July 25, 2011
so that they could be sure of God's people.
It holds you accountable;
It proves to the world
that you're trying;
And it reassures you
that you are saved.
Is it necessary?
For the sake of Unity
and Peace among God's people,
It is necessary.
Is it everything?
It's only a commitment;
You must be the one to obey it.
Can it ever be broken?
Only God knows.
But will he ever stop loving you?
Not even once. ♥
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Good Enough
For every girl who has ever judged herself for how she looks.♥:
Late one night, a young girl laid out on her bed one night, crying. She had a magazine in one hand and a camera in the other.
"I'm just not good enough," she cried.
Her father knocked on the door. Wiping at her tears, she hid the camera and threw the magazine under her bed. "Come in," she called quietly, while she crawled underneath her covers.
Opening the door, he said, "I just wanted to say goodnight." When he heard her sniffling, he asked, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Goodnight, dad," she replied, turning away from him. He walked in, sat on her bed, and asked, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing.. I'm fine," she insisted, avoiding his eyes. After a few moments though, he asked again, softer, "Tell me, what is it?"
She sighed. "Dad... do you think I'm pretty? All my friends say how beautiful those girls are in magazines, but when I try taking pictures like that, I don't look like them at all."...she began crying.
"Sweetheart," he hugged her, "No picture could ever compare to the way you look. No camera could ever capture your beauty! It's not what is on the outside that makes you look so beautiful; it is what is on the inside that shines out! Your wonderful spirit radiates through your smiling face, making your image so captivating that no one would even think to call you ugly!" He looked her in the eye; "not for a second could they dare say it."
The girl stopped crying.
"I love you, daddy."
"I love you too, my princess. Don't ever forget that."
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!
(1 John 3:1a)
Friday, April 8, 2011
Holy King
I hear your voice whisper to me;
It tells me who I am.
You say to me, "You are mine;
The princess of the Holy King,
The daughter of the One who saves the World!"
I fall down before you and praise Your name!
As I worship You,
I hear the serpent slither by;
He spits out lies,
Bribing me with fruit,
Telling me I'll never die.
But as I turn to fall away,
I catch a glimpse of your face.
My hand reaches out for just one bite,
But then I see your eyes, full of love and sorrow
While on the cross you die.
I shout "No!" but it's too late,
You give up one last sigh;
Then you fall forward and hang there,
And I begin to cry.
"No! Take me instead;
He is innocent!
I deserve to be killed
And hung in pain,
For he was crucified
When he was without sin."
But then three days later
He rose again:
After a day of rest,
I looked in
On an empty tomb where
I thought I would find Him.
I came to say goodbyes,
But now he is gone again!
And I cried more and more,
Until a man walked in.
"Why are you crying?"
He asked me then;
But I thought it was the gardener,
Not the one who died for my sin.
"He's gone! He's gone!
I think they took him!"
Then the man opened my eyes,
And I saw his face, alive again.
Hallelujah, praise the Lord!
Jesus Christ has arisen!
He's alive and here today;
For he could not be kept in death's prison!
Let us sing and dance for years and years
To celebrate His grace;
And when we die, we'll just sing some more,
Because we shall see His face!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Vividly, I can still see
Its bright marks across my eyes
No longer in disguise
The dark blue veil was torn away
In the bright truth of the coming day
No more far-off hopes twinkling above
Sprinkling down their star-dust "love"
The truth came slowly at first
Scratching through until the sky burst
Leaving pink scars stretched across the sky
Bleeding through with blinding light
Finally, sin put up its last fight
Then finally fled at the death of the night
While the sun rose again from his deathly grave
His purest love shone on my face
Drying my tears and setting me free
He reveals what the night hid from me
So that I can see who he wanted me to be
To live with him for eternity
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Whispers flow all around me
Speaking of this child's heart
Her never ending suffering
Her life displayed so all could see
Her hopeless heart beats wildly
Sitting very quietly
She wonders, "Who would help me?"
"Now listen very carefully,"
They all try to say to me.
"She'll trick you into obeying;
And on top of that, she's unclean.
"Look at her sin, hear what she's done,
Her life by Satan has been won;
She could never be saved by the death of His Son.
Go try a different one."
I heard what they said
I see her life hanging by a thread
The darkest gloom looms over her head
But her spirit is not simply dead.
She doesn't know what to do because she isn't seeing
Any love or care at all for her being;
Her heart for love is constantly beating
Still searching everywhere for some meaning.
She is lost and doesn't know how to be found
Looking for love when no love is around
Falling in sin and hitting the ground
Crying out for help, while to sin she is bound
How can you stand while she's falling apart?
Life is not all about trying to make it on the chart
This fallen child is God's own work of art
Reach out to her with the fullness of your heart!
It's never too late to start again
To change your life and live without sin
There is one way for you to begin
And it leads to a place where love always wins
His arms are open wider than mine
His love is deeper than the ocean is wide
He wants to love you and be your guide
Don't be afraid, let him lead your life