Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Praise Him, Not Me

You may see me,
And you may think
'She is holy'
But that's not me.
Some say I have it good with Christ
But that's not what I see.

I am weak.
I have sin.
We all do.
Like Paul,
the older I am
the worse it gets.
Do I need God?
Y E S.

So this is me
After I was freed:
Still slipping in sin
Stuck in mud
I couldn't see.

Something needed to change.

I gave up.
I cried.
I died
To myself and my ways
And I became His
So that He
Could work through me.

When I gave in to sin
He overcame
When I fell
He took over my life
and became my strength.

You see,
I am a sinner
Jesus saved me
I have no muscle
Jesus was my victory

When He declared
"You shall sin no more"
Fighting the devil
Was no longer a chore

So when you see me
Don't say,
"Oh how good is she"
Because there is no way
I could do a thing without God
For He is the strength
That you see in me.
Praise Him alone
--not me.

"Let them praise the name of the LORD, for His name alone is exalted; His splendor is above the earth and the heavens."
-Psalm 148:13 (NIV)