Today, I came to the small realization that my dad has come to know me better by the little conversations we have. Ever since he got into this whole "couponing" and saving money with shopping, he has been asking me small questions, like "what do you like to eat?" and "what do you bring for school lunches?" It hasn't been much, just a list of things to buy or not to buy while he tries to narrow down his list to the "need to"s and "have to"s (rather than just "want to"s or "I dunno"s), but it's been building a relationship that has been slightly lacking before.
A couple years ago, I used to cry in my room thinking and praying about having a close relationship with my parents. I had confided with my mom on a few things, but for the most part, it seemed like they hardly knew the real me, and I was afraid to come to them with my problems. It hit me big time when I dated my first boyfriend and wasn't sure how to handle different situations. At that time, I was more afraid of doing wrong and having them mad at me than I was actually caring about my relationship with them. Soon after we broke up, I realized that I needed that parental relationship badly, but I had no clue where to start.
It wasn't too long after this that these tiny conversations started up. Now he's asked more things, like what I thought about small topics, or what I thought about events that have happened, and I can tell that I trust him more as a father and friend than I did before--and all I did was have little conversations with my dad. Both of my parents put up with my rants now about school and homework, and both openly give me advice about how to deal with situations, whether I choose it or not.
All of this made me consider my relationship with God. Right now, it's not very strong, I'll have to admit.
I read an article the other day that in it's essence asked us to compare how much time we spend talking with our friends to how much time we talk to God. It said that all God really wants is to be our best friend, the one we talk to 24/7 about everything good and bad in our lives, simply because we love each other. When I think about how my dad has been talking to me, I wonder if maybe God wants me to talk to him like that--at least to get started. The other day, I tried this out a bit after I got my shoes for Formal. I said to Him, "Guess what! I got these amazing shoes! They're so comfortable and pretty, and they go great with my dress!! Just wait until I show you at home!" I don't know if this is weird or crazy or anything, but feeling close to God, I went into my room and put on my dress and shoes and looked in the mirror and asked Him, "Do you like it?" I'm a bad listener, but written on my mirror, right where my face is, reads, "The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor him for he is your Lord." (Psalms 45:11)
So how are you talking to God? Need a little more practice, like me? Maybe, to start, you can try these little conversations. When you're happy, share the news with Him. When you're sad, cry on his shoulder, talk it out to Him, ask Him "why?"--He can take it. When you're mad, let out your frustration on Him, then listen to what his plan is.
All the while, read the scripture, because it's "God-breathed."
"Come near to God, and he will come near to you."
-James 4:8a