These books focus on the life of Harry Potter, "the boy who lived". Everyday "muggles" never see the magical things happening around them because they are "protected" by the spells wizards put on the world's eyes; but these witches and wizards are warriors in this huge battle between good and evil. Voldemort (or "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named") is the source of all evil, tempting otherwise good people to do evil things for him in hopes of taking over the world. Harry is anything but a normal boy, but he lives an honest life, fighting for the people around him instead of himself. He lives radically and stands up for what he knows is right, even though he needs help and support from his friends, and he becomes willing to lay down his own life to save the people around him from having to suffer any further. Although I do not think she was trying to make Harry Potter a Christian series, J.K. Rowling really presents a side of Christianity generally forgotten among us, about how we are supposed to live, and about how God always wins.

-Book Cover of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.-
(Post edited on Saturday, March 12, 2011)